Monday, October 20, 2014

New Adventure!

Just a heads up as tomorrow I start on a new adventure.  I hope you will join me as I travel to Madrid, for a first ever visit to this magical capital situated on the Iberian Peninsula in the heart of Spain.

It is a long story about why I want to get here but I have a minute so will share it with you.
Several years ago, maybe five, I was wandering around Kohl's Department Store looking for something so I could take advantage of my 30% off coupon and maybe some Kohl's Kash.  You know how that is!  And I found this beautiful photo album to house 4 x 6 snapshots of the capitols of Europe.  So pretty, so very different and a good deal too.  How could I resist?  The one problem was that I had been to Rome, and to London, and to Paris with some of my kids but had never made it to Madrid.  So this album mocks me from its place on the shelf where it sits empty.  No sense starting if I can't finish.  You know how I am about that!

I travel a lot and I know that I am lucky to do so.  Most of my trips are cruises though and since Madrid is not a seaport, the opportunity never arose.  Then earlier this year the magic happened.  My travel agency offered a great deal on a cruise from Madrid to Ft. Lauderdale.  Yes, four days in Madrid and then a flight to Barcelona for a couple of days before meeting the Celebrity Equinox.  I spent about an hour trying to think who might be able and willing to make this trip when just then my friend emailed to ask if I wanted to do this same cruise.  More magic!  Elva wanted to start in Dublin.  Since I had recently been to Ireland and never to Madrid she graciously let us opt for this itinerary instead.  For her it will be a repeat city so I hope she can show me around.  I know we will have a good time.

When we sail from Barcelona we stop in a few Spanish ports including the Canary Islands.  Wow!  My Mom and Dad, avid cruisers, always wanted to go there but missed their only opportunity.  Not me!  This is my perfect trip.  Right about $100 a day including air and places I haven't been.  And except for Barcelona all the ports will be new and therefore extra exciting.

So please join me on this journey of discovery.  Log in and join up to follow me at Intentional Traveler  Keep in mind that the newest post is always on top.  If you have time and missed it you can backtrack through my recent visit to Africa.  Now that was truly an adventure!

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