Monday, February 10, 2025

After 6 Sea Days...

 ...We now have had four Port Days. Each sea day had enough variety to keep us busy but enough down time to make us feel relaxed and pampered. Port days have a different effect, although on this trip I think it is a little different. Last time we did this same sailing we did not get into Hawaii because at the last minute there was a pandemic outbreak on the island and of course we could not despite planes, with more passengers than our 259, being allowed entry. Plane people had to quarantine once they arrived which would not work for us although in a way we were quarantined on onboard. 

This time we docked in Hilo, on the big island of Hawaii, from which the state gets its name, at 8:00 a.m. Carol and I are mostly just doing included tours on this trip. They cover the basic, or most important, things you want to see in each port and since they are "included" you sort have already paid for them in your cruise fare. In Hilo we toured the city by bus. 

Polynesian Tours turned out to be the company Viking contracted with on each of the Islands. This first tour our driver/guide was Karen. She was a very in charge person and did not hesitate to call out the poor ladies who were late to return at the first stop - The Queen Liliuokalani Garden. 

This pretty as a picture Japanese inspired greenery offers a true respite from the busy city around it. In the early days many Chinese, Korean, and Japanese workers were brought over to do the hard labor in the sugar cane and pineapple fields. The Queen wanted them to have a place to make them feel at home. It truly is one of the most beautifully and well planned parks I have visited. The stonework statues and bridges over gentle stream and ponds blend the paths into the green lawn perfectly. The native Nenegeese wander unafraid of guests. An originally planted Monkeypod Tree maintained its perfect canopy next to a lavender orchid tree. The marble bench I sat on, to watch a toddler poke a pond with the stick he had carefully carried on his journey along the winding stone pathway, was perfectly placed to inhale the fragrant magnolia, but be shaded by magnificent Monkeypod.

Our next stop was Big Island Candies. Everyone was reminded our time would five minutes less because the ladies had been late returning to the bus from the garden. It was fun for a lot of people but Carol and I were not ready to shop. This is a pretty famous enterprise and we found their product later on other islands. How wrong can you go with macadamia nuts, delicious dark chocolate and Kona coffee! They are known for their first creation, oddly enough, which is shortbread! The sample was really tasty but we have enough good desserts on the ship I did not need to buy shortbread!


Back on the bus, and again reminded that we are running behind, I felt that Karen was being a Karen and kind of rude. She did have an idea I had not experienced before about exiting at the different stops that I really liked. Carol's side of the bus was appropriately the coconuts (with the late ladies) and my side, with the perfect people, was the pineapples. We alternated getting off the bus which actually worked out very well. Instead of everyone getting up and clogging the aisle we took turns. Pineapples first at the garden, coconuts at the candy store, and pineapples, after the we are running late so less time reminder, got off the bus first at the Hilo free zoo!

The zoo is not somewhere I would have thought on my own to visit but this was well worth my time. It is set in a beautiful tropical botanical garden laid out along winding paths. This meandering design lets you focus on what is in front of you, where you are since you can't see beyond to what lies ahead. The clever layout is peaceful, restful for the visitors brain. i can see why it is a popular place especially for families with young children. There were peacocks strolling about and so many colorful and enchanting birds. A Cobalt Macaw was out to be viewed up close as the handler explained how they lived and where their natural habitat was. this one was turned over to the zoo when it was no longer able to be cared for by the owner. The pure white 'coral' cockatoo has its name because it has a tiny coral topknot and when it ruffles its pristine feathers they are all coral underneath as though it is a completely different bird,

I loved the unique benches scattered throughout the park!
Back on the bus, you guessed it, we waited for the same lady. Karen asked the one person where her friend was and she replied that she had gone to the bathroom. they were sitting across from me so I was aware of the Q&A each time but Karen made sure the whole bus knew the late lady was in the john! Now we might not have time to  go to the last stop! Like I say, Karen was a bit of a bully imho! When missing person returned she again got the ;late arrival lecture.

On we went to Rainbow Falls. We were always going to go there because Viking said it was part of the tour and we had hours before the ship sailed! All along each driving part we did get good information about the island, the history and life now in a popular but still isolated part of the world. I learned many things about the economy, cost of living and how the fact that most everything has to be imported from mangoes and bananas to cars, electronics, building supplies and your basic trip to Walmart.

Rainbow Falls is part of Volcanoes National Park or at least adjacent to it. it is an 80 foot high fall that in the morning mists does delight with a full rainbow. We tricked our eyes into seeing one by starring, without blinking, at the sparkling cascade. 

Having been warned - yet again to return to the bus on time - we made our way back to the Viking Neptune in good time for a leisurely lunch. After that I did my five miles on the stationery bike and spent some relaxing time in the spa pool. 

There ae not as many lectures on port days so I had time for a freshly baked raisin scone and shipboard made cream and jam with tea at 4:00 Afternoon Tea. This is now every day which used to be held only on sea days.  

I am reading a very good book by Sara Ackerman titled Red Sky Over Hawaii which I thought perfectly appropriate for this trip. Not sure what Carol is reading but time on the balcony (verandah) was most pleasant.

After dinner we had time to play Name That Tune Trivia which was Motown centered and tied for first.The girl that represented the other team for the tie-breaker got the answer in 2 notes so no Mimosas for us. Then we all went to see part Terrell Edwards Unforgettable Part II. We were anxious to see if the drunk woman would attempt to attack him again but she was nowhere in site!

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