Monday, February 17, 2025

Did I mention???

 For many passengers and crew, a highlight of February the 13th was the Crossing of the Equator and the traditional Salute to King Neptune. I think that all the passengers gathered around the main pool under the warm sun to watch as those crew members who had never crossed the Equator by sea knelt before those officers, selected to be judges, and the laughing and cheering passengers as they took a made up oath to honor King Neptune and protect his Seas. They then walked over to "Kiss the Fish" and jump or dive into the pool! Different crew positions were led forward. Our favorite bar waiter, Cleone, took his turn. I took some pictures and later sent them to him on What's App so he could send them to his family.

He is so tall I was afraid he would hit his head!

The Entertainment staff that had to 'Kiss the Fish' in the white basket on the table included the Assistant cruise director, Courtney and illusionist Joshua Jordan. Check him out on line. We have really enjoyed his shows.

Even some of the officers had to take the plunge in full dress uniform Crew all got a shot of Orange Juice after exiting the pool, Passengers get a shot of Aqua Vit. Check out what makes Aqua Vit unique. You will, of course, find that story on line or even on You Tube! Most anyone attending also can have a shot if you hang out for the whole ceremony but the long was very long so we didn't wait. We earned our certificates long ago. Me on Carnival but I have another now. I think that makes it five!

On Valentine's Day we had a Bridge Tour. It was most interesting. Beautiful and pristine with everything redundant Bridges of ships are technologically advanced. Even since the one I took many years ago on that Carnival ship it seems these control panels are so sleek. There are three main ones and and even with in the confines of one there is redundancy. Then there is also a second bride minor stacked on top of the very visible one you can easily see as a broad span of glass across the bow span of a cruise ship. The entry is on our Deck 6 forward of the forward stairs which is quite near our cabin. This means we see officers coming and going all the time!

Here is the crew photo which is posted down on Deck One so you can recognise them from when you first board if you choose to!

We ended Valentines Day at the Chef's Table and everyone on the ship shared a special dessert with their table mates besides whatever else they ordered.

Very delicious panna cotta filled with very tart rasperberry coulis..

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