Sunday, February 16, 2025

New quick update...

 ...We safely arrived in Bora Bora. Rose early to see this.

Mount Otemanu had a cloudy, rainy crown which obscured more and more of her as the day went on. Those tiny white spots in the sea are pretty high whitecaps which were tossing the attempted tender boats viciously into the air!

Carol and I went to the theater at 8:30 to find our tour canceled as were all remaining tours for the day. Three had already gone ashore in the tenders but the sea was even more rough and considered too risky. Tendering can be very dangerous. I have even heard stories of someone falling though between the lifeboat (tender) and the mother ship while trying to board. The rain was getting heavier and thunder and lightening is expected in the afternoon.

It was said they might try later. Carol and I went to the Living Room for a coffee/tea and almond croissant to wait and see. Yes! It would be about a half our between tenders but No more was announced all tours were for sure done for the day. Also no tenders would be going to town and we would leave as soon as the one tour that had successfully tendered to shore returned. We met people who were on tour 2 and 3 (those first 3 trips were for jeep tours) and they had gotten to their vehicles and then told no. They would not have seen any wonderful view anyway and the road had become too slick 

So our 8:00 p.m. sailing happened about 3:00 p.m. Despite the clouds and rain it was very pretty. Unfortunately, right now, the internet is overwhelmed, so I will stop. I will add to this tomorrow with some photos and let you know how the cancellation saga continues!

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